Overload 1 0

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$1 000 overload

External CTs(1) For motor overload protection applications above 100 A in current sensing capability, the E100 relay offers functionality with external CT configurations up to 800 A maximum capacity (Cat. After 8 months of hard work! The episode is done! Hopefully you guys enjoy! This took a long while!:D-. Overload v1.1.0. 1.1.0; 4f2b7aa; Compare. Choose a tag to compare. Search for a tag. Adriengivry released this Sep 19, 2019 96 commits to master since this release.

Provides a macro to simplify operator overloading.

To use, include the following:

Suppose we have the following struct definition:

We can overload the addition of Vals like so:

The macro call above generates the following code:

We are now able to add Vals:

If we also wanted to overload addition for the borrowed type &Val we could write: Super vectorizer 2 0 0 download free.

We might also want to overload addition between the owned and borrowed types:

Let's see how we can write these combinations more concisely.

Overlord 1080 X 1080

We can include a ? in front of a type to indicate that it should stand in for both the owned and borrowed type.

To overload addition for all four combinations between Val and &Val we can therefore simply include a ? in front of both types:

The macro call above generates the following code:

Overlord 1080

We are now able to add Vals and &Vals in any combination:

The general syntax to overload a binary operator between types and is:

Inside the body you can use and freely to perform any computation.

The last line of the body needs to be an expression (i.e. no ; at the end of the line) of type .

+overload!((a: A) + (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );Add
-overload!((a: A) - (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );Sub
*overload!((a: A) * (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );Mul
/overload!((a: A) / (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );Div
%overload!((a: A) % (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );Rem
&overload!((a: A) & (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );BitAnd
|overload!((a: A) | (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );BitOr
^overload!((a: A) ^ (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );BitXor
<<overload!((a: A) << (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );Shl
>>overload!((a: A) >> (b: B) -> C { /*..*/ );Shr

The general syntax to overload an assignment operator between types and is:

Inside the body you can use and freely to perform any computation and mutate as desired.

+=overload!((a: &mut A) += (b: B) { /*..*/ );AddAssign
-=overload!((a: &mut A) -= (b: B) { /*..*/ );SubAssign
*=overload!((a: &mut A) *= (b: B) { /*..*/ );MulAssign
/=overload!((a: &mut A) /= (b: B) { /*..*/ );DivAssign
%=overload!((a: &mut A) %= (b: B) { /*..*/ );RemAssign
&=overload!((a: &mut A) &= (b: B) { /*..*/ );BitAndAssign
|=overload!((a: &mut A) |= (b: B) { /*..*/ );BitOrAssign
^=overload!((a: &mut A) ^= (b: B) { /*..*/ );BitXorAssign
<<=overload!((a: &mut A) <<= (b: B) { /*..*/ );ShlAssign
>>=overload!((a: &mut A) >>= (b: B) { /*..*/ );ShrAssign

Apple remote desktop 3 9 32. The general syntax to overload a unary operator for type is:

Inside the body you can use freely to perform any computation.

The last line of the body needs to be an expression (i.e. no ; at the end of the line) of type .

-overload!(- (a: A) -> B { /*..*/ );Neg
!overload!(! (a: A) -> B { /*..*/ );Not

Remember that you can only overload operators between one or more types if at least one of the types is defined in the current crate.



Overloads an operator. See the module level documentation for more information.

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